연도 |
주제 |
소주제 |
2018 |
SPIRITUALITY, Healing Presence in an Abandoned Society
Spiritual Care and Training - (Dr. Fiona Gardner)
Spiritual Care and Practice - (Dr. Anne Vandenhoeck)
Healing our Society Through Spiritual Care - (Fr. 박준양)
Spiritual Care and Tools : Compassionate Care - (이지영)
Spiritual Care and Tools : Effects of Holy Name meditation on spiritual well-being, anxiety and depression in cancer patients - (서임선) |
2016 |
Global Perspectives in Spiritual Care
WHO Approach to Strengthening Palliative Care & the Importance of Spirituality - (Lee Sharkey)
Policies and Directions for the Development of Hospice and Palliative Care - (황경원)
Integrating Spiritual Care into Palliative Care: A Whole Person Model of Care - (Dr. Pucharski)
A Theology for Wholeness: Its Religious Implication for Spiritual Care - (Fr. 박준양)
GWish Templeton Reflection Rounds: Fostering Medical Students Inner Development as Part of Professional Formation - (Dr. Pucharski) |
2014 |
Spirituality : Compassion & Healing
Compassionate Touch of Healing: A Christian Theological Reflection - (Fr. 박준양)
Global initiative and Standards for Spiritual Care - (Dr. Pucharski)
암환자에 대한 연민적 돌봄의 효과 - (Sr. Jinsun Yong) |
2011 |
Spiritual Leadership : Leading changes in the workplace
Spiritual Leadership : Organizational mission - (Lisa Burkhart)
Spiritual Care: Humane and Theological Meaning - (Sr. Jinsun Yong)
Effects of Spiritual Care Leadership Program : The Experience of Spiritual Growth in Hospital Middle Manager Nurses - (Imsun Seo)
Effects of Spiritual Care Leadership Program : Effects of a Spiritually Based Training Program on the Spiritual and Psychosocial Well-being of Preceptor Nurses - (Sr. JeongRan Ra)
Spiritual Leadership in Nursing - (Lisa Burkhart)
Self care as component of Spiritual leadership - (Fr. PyeongMan Kim)
Multidisciplinary Communication Documenting Spiritual Care - (Lisa Burkhart)
2010 |
호스피스연구소 개소 15주년 기념 학술대회
-한국 호스피스의 미래발전 전략
호스피스 완화의료의 현황과 전망 - (김한숙)
병동형 호스피스 - (박명희)
가정형/독립시설형 호스피스 - (정극규)
호스피스 완화의료 의사 교육 - (고수진)
호스피스 완화의료 간호사 교육 - (박재순)
호스피스 완화의료 전문인력 표준교육 - (강진아)
호스피스 완화의료 간호학 연구 - (강경아)
호스피스 완화의료 의학 연구 - (심재용) |
2009 |
Spiritual Care: Promoting Healing Environments
Spiritual Care: An Interdisciplinary Model of Care - (John Swinton)
Spiritual Care: Humane and Theological Meaning - (Fr. Junyang Park)
Spiritual Care Study: Development of Spiritual Needs Scale - (Sr. Jinsun Yong)
The Effect of Spiritual Care Leadership Program - (Sr. Jinsun Yong)
Promoting Healing Environments through Spiritual Care for Healthcare Professionals and Patients
- (John Swinton) |
2007 |
Ethical Issues in Nursing Care at the End of Life
What is a good death? - (Barbara J. White)
End of Life Issues in Nursing Care - (Barbara J. White)
좋은 죽음 : 인문ㆍ사회학적 숙고 - (홍석영)
Informed consent - (Fr.Matthias Kim)
Euthanasia - (Fr.Matthias Kim)
DNR 지시서와 지침서 개발 및 활용 - (한성숙) |
2005 |
호스피스연구소 개소 10주년 기념 학술대회
-한국호스피스의 세계화 전략
Building the future: St. Christopher's perspective on hospice and palliative care - (Dr. Malcolm payne) |
2003 |
돌봄과 영성
돌보는 이의 영성 - (김영택)
간호의 본질과 영성 - (한성숙)
불교에서 바라본 돌봄의 영성 - (현각)
호스피스 대상자를 위한 영적 돌봄 - (김갑경)
기독교에서 바라본 돌봄의 영성 - (김기복)
가톨릭에서 바라본 돌봄의 영성 - (정무근) |
2002 |
Child Hospice: Theory and Practice
Treatment for Children with Cancer in Korea - (Kyung-Ha Ryu)
Development of Hospice Care for Children - (Ida Martinson)
A Parent's Experience of the Terminally-Ill Child - (A Parent)
Hospice Care for Child - (Keuk Kyu Chung)
Practice of Hospice Care for Child - (Or Sook Kwon)
Emotional and Social Support for Dying Child and Family Members - (Ida Martinson)
Hospice Care in America - (Marian Kingsley)
Activities of Childhood Cancer Foundation of the ROC - (Chung-Hsiang Lee)
어린이 및 가족의 영적 관리 - (매리암)