Research Institute for Hospice/Palliative Care of The Catholic University of Korea College of Nursing

HOME RESEARCH Research Outcomes Publications
Year Author Title Published Paper
2003 Han, S.S., Ro, Y.J.,Yang, S., Yoo, Y.S., Kim, S.I., Hwang, H.K. A study of family caregiver's burden for the terminally III patient The J of Korea Acad Soc of Home Care Nursing, 10(1), 58-72.
2003 Yong, J.S., Han, S.S., Hong, H.J. Care Needs of Hospice Patients form the Family Caregivers Perspective: Q methodology The Journal of Research Institute for Hospice &Palliative Care, 7. 47-70.
2003 Kim, N.C., Yoo, S,Y. Competencies for advance practice hospice and palliative care nurses The Journal of Research Institute for Hospice &Palliative Care, 7. 36-46.
2002 Ro, Y.J., Han, S.S., Yong, J.S., Song, M.S., Hong, J.U. A Comparison of Nursing Interventions with Terminal Cancer Patients in a Hospice Unit and General Units Korean Acad Adult Nurs, 14(4), 543-553.
2001 Yong, J.S., Ro, Y.J., Han, S.S., Kim, M.J. A Comparison between Home Care Nursing Interventions for Hospice and General Patients Korean Acad Nurs, 31(5), 897-911.
2001 Ro, Y.J., Han, S.S., Yoo, Y.S., Yong, J.S. Development of task for Hospice Team Members The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care,4(1), 26-40.
2001 Ro, Y.J., Kim, N.C., Hong, Y.S., Yong, J.S. Factors Influencing Pain with Terminally Ill Cancer Patients in Hospice Units Korean Acad Nurs, 31(2), 206-220.
2000 Ro, Y.J., Han, S.S., Kim, M.G., Yoo, Y.S., Yong, J.S., June, K.G., Baek, H.C., Hong, H.J. Development procedures of Hospice Center Model Korean Nurse, 39(2),61-68.
2000 Ro, Y.J. The terminal patients and hospice/palliative care Honor Society of Nursing, 1(1), 11-20.
2000 Ro, Y.J., Han, S.S., Kim, M.G., Yoo, Y.S., Yong, J.S., Jun, K.G. A Study on the Development of an Independent Hospice Center Model Korean Acad Nurs, 30(5), 1156-1169.