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호스피스/완화간호 연구의 저변 확대 및 연구능력 함양과 WHO 협력센터로서의 호스피스연구소의 홍보 및 역할 확대


호스피스/완화간호와 관련된 간호학, 의학, 사회복지학, 종교 및 신학, 약학, 영양학, 심리학, 물리치료학, 기타 관련 분야

연도 저자 논문제목 수록지
2017 염혜아, 안성희, 김수정 Effects of ethics education on moral sensitivity of nursing students. NURSING ETHICS. 644-652.
2017 Abraham, I., Al Yami, M., 윤성석, 김희주, Vincelette, N.D., McBride, A., MacDonald, K. Survival outcomes in iron chelated and non-chelated patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes: Review and pooled analysis of observational studies. LEUKEMIA RESEARCH. 104-108.
2017 김희주 Validation of the Korean Version of the Mini-Sleep Questionnaire-Insomnia in Korean College Students. ASIAN NURSING RESEARCH. 1-5.
2017 김희주, Abraham, I. Measurement of fatigue: Comparison of the reliability and validity of single-item and short measures to a comprehensive measure. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES. 34-43.
2016 이지영, 용진선 뇌졸중 환자 가족돌봄제공자의 영성과 삶의 질 모델: 경로분석. 성인간호학회지, 28(6), 619-627.
2014 Kim, S. L., Lee, J.E., Shimanouchi, S. Needs for end-of-life care by home care nurses among non-cancer patients in Korea and Japan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING PRACTICE, 20(4), 339-345.
2014 박란희, 조옥희, 유양숙 중등도 이상의 통증을 호소하는암환자의 통증간호기록 분석. 한국호스피스 완화의료학회지, 17(4), 270-277.
2014 Roh, S., Yeom, H., Lee, M., Hwang, I.Y. Mobility of older palliative care patients with advanced cancer: A Korean study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING, 18(6), 613-618.
2014 Park, K.S., Yeom, H.A. Factors influencing Korean nurses' attitudes towards hospice care. INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW, 61(4), 563-569.
2014 김진현, 유양숙, 이경아, 김경숙 Workload of hospice nurse practitioners and the importance of hospice and palliative care in South Korea. ASIA LIFE SCIENCES, 10, 115-125.