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제2차 김모임 포럼(한미공동웨비나) 안내
  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 작성일 2022-03-25 16:47:58
  • 조회수 1094
첨부파일 제2차 김모임 포럼(한미공동 웨비나).png

This is an online seminar that examines and discusses the trends and prospects of nursing research in the United States and Korea .

- Organizer : ( G ) International Korean Human Care Foundation

- Date : April 22 , 2022 ( Fri ) 9 am _ _ _

- Venue : Zoom webinar ( Links sent individually to registrants )

- Reception : QR code (Online Registration form) in the poster or

Register by accessing the link (https://forms.gle/cydHRG4EC7avuW619)

- Contact : gknf@gknf.or.kr


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